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Did you know?

Lisanthus is a native of the Southern states of the USA it is also called Texas Bluebell and prairie Gentian.


Lisanthus have been bred to be a number of colours including white, Green, Pink, Purple, White, Yellow. They are a flower resembling a climbing rose and a peony. Each stem has a number of flowers from midway up the stem to the top. Lisanthus now come in single and double petal varieties.

Selection and Care

Select strong stemmed bunches with opening flowers and green leaves. Cut a minimum of 2cm off the stem, strip the bottom leaves off, and put in cold water with a flower preservative. Change water daily for optimum lifespan. This flower is ethylene sensitive. Keep them away from fruit, car exhausts and cigarette smoke. Placing lisanthus is a sunny position will help the flowers open and be brightly coloured.


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