Types, Selection and Storage
Small, soft fleshed fruit enjoyed by all. Grows in bunches on the vine making for a decorative addition to a cheese platter or fruit bowl. The white powdery covering sometimes found on grapes (particularly red or black grapes) is natural and called a ‘bloom’. Many varieties available including: Thompson Seedless a pale green, sweet, seedless grape, Ralli seedless, Crimson Seedless, Flame seedless and Sultana Grapes.  Select plump, firm bunches free from blemishes. Store in a plastic bag in the crisper section of the refrigerator.
Australian grapes peak in the summer months with supply continuing into autumn. When Australian grapes are not in season grapes imported from America are available.
Fresh, cheese platters, in salads and lunch boxes. Good with soft cheeses, yoghurt, sour cream, chicken, quail, pork, walnuts  and brown sugar.
Nutrition Information
High in anti-oxidants, Vitamin B, C, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium & potassium.